Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Pre-op appointment

I was nervous about this appointment. But immediately felt better afterwards. I like my surgeon. Young but confident. High energy but not spastic. He gave his spiel and told me statistics about ACL surgeries in general and his practice, specifically.

Then he let me ask questions. He answered them all patiently, even the silly ones. Like, will I have to remove metal body piercings? Yes. Bummer. Oh well. He said some of my fears were "common but irrational". Okay. That makes sense. He was being honest with me.

Then my knee was examined again. Lachman test. Yup, still have a torn ACL...

Then I got fitted for my crutches and my brace. I got a cup of green antibacterial soup. And intern came in asked me if I drink or use drugs. (answers will remain undisclosed for the purposes of this blog).

I read some forms. Asked more questions. Signed some forms (the subjects I wish don't ever have to come into play).

Fingers crossed.

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