Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bendy machine

Now it is time to describe the bendy machine. Its technical name is the CPM machine, which stands for "continuous passive motion". Misnomer!!! This machine is anything but passive! It is torture.

Here is a very boring video of me using the bending machine in the hospital. I was so pleased with my performance BUT it turns out it is easier to do the CPM in the hospital while under lots of local anesthesia.

So I have to track my progress. Below is my progress on the CPM machine since the surgery. It is not a perfect chart but you get the point. In pink are the time points from the hospital stay. In green are when I first got home and in blue are time points after my nerve block ran out. The size of the balls represent the length of time. The smaller balls are 1 hour and the larger are 2 hours.

Doctor's orders are to do the bendy machine 3 times a day for 2 hours each time, minimum. The goal is to get to 110 degrees by the second follow-up appointment.

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