Friday, July 26, 2013

Physical Therapy #2

This was a fun appointment. I started to feel like I am making progress.

We added exercises to those assigned in the first physical therapy appointment. These are a lot of exercises and I am starting to realize that physical therapy is a real time commitment. But it is really important so I can't slack on this.

Especially because my extension is still at 0 and we are starting to get a little bit worried about getting my knee to hyperextend like my normal knee...

1) calf raises with equal weight on both legs
2) single leg raises (SLRs) with both legs. Left leg in all directions. Right leg (injured leg) just to the front and to the side. I can't SLR to the back because I can't work my hamstring yet.
3) roll in chair to bend knee. hold for 10 sec and push back (this is a good exercise for me to do in lab).

The best part of this appointment was that we UNLOCKED MY BRACE!!! I learned how to walk with the brace and the crutches but this time I could bend me knee!! Very cool. We also worked on walking up and down stairs in the bendy brace. I have to take one stair at a time and use a hand rail and a crutch to support myself. Not natural at all yet but it is nice to start to feel a little more independent and strong.

Next week, I am going to be working with another physical therapist because my person is going on vacation. This makes me a little bit nervous but I am sure I will be in good hands.

at the top of some stairs in a bendy brace
work it girl!

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