Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week 7 - Turned a corner

Sandlot (1993) - must see, classic

Lots of progress this week, on multiple levels.

My PT told me that I turned a corner! That I  was walking with an extra bounce in my step. I got lots of hugs and high fives and I can tell that she is really proud of how much work I am putting in. What's so good:

1) First of all, my extension and bending are really improving. My extension is -5 degrees! So only two degrees away from normal (what my left leg is). And my bending reached 138 degrees. Both of the measurements are new achievements for me and it feels so good to be progressing each week (finally). Apparently, I have to keep working on my stretching because 12 weeks is the deadline. Whatever I have at 12 weeks is what I am going to have FOREVER (I am saying that like on The Sandlot). FOR-EV-ER...

2) My VMO is finally responding to treatment and exercises. It is getting so strong and so I can see a dramatic movement of my knee cap when I do my quad sets. So I get to quit doing the electrical muscle stimulation!!! Yay!

3) And, since my muscles are starting to get stronger, I get to really start to increase my strength training. Last week we started doing hamstring exercises. This week we added squats and this cool new exercise called the Star exercise (video below).  For this you stand with your knee slightly bent and keep your hips square. Then you move you other leg around you, touching at 5 points. Front, 10 o'clock, 9 o'clock, 7 o'clock, 6 o'clock. And then back again. I think this helps with balance and stability and quad strength.